This forgotten stamp mill site was a great find. The mining district was formed in the 1880s, and this was a significant mine of the district. Early work on this gold and silver mine started in 1882 or 1883 and continued up until about 1925.

There is an interesting contradiction in reports about this mill. It was said to have two Huntington roller mills, but we found an eight-stamp mill instead. This led us to wonder what happened to the original mill.

Was the mill removed or destroyed? Perhaps they had poor performance with it? Or maybe we have just not located it yet? One of these days, we will get back out there to find out.

In the meantime, the mystery of the disappearing Huntington mills remains unsolved. It is a reminder of the rich history of mining in the American West and the many stories that are still waiting to be told.

No directions to this site.