
Black Dragon Pictographs

This site is set a little ways back inside of an impressively deep canyon. The site got its name because one of the main pictograph designs resembles a dragon or pterodactyl. Researchers have discovered, however, that the group of pictographs is a collection of five separate images overlapping with each other: One is a bug-eyed person (found in Barrier Canyon sites), and others are of a sheep, a dog, and snake-like creatures. Nearby, and under a large overhang, is a whole wall of Fremont-style pictographs. Some symbols look like corn, but there are many counting marks, hand prints, tracks, and figures. The site has a mix of pictographs from the Fremont and Barrier Canyon styles. They were around until 1300 AD.

A high-clearance vehicle is required to reach the site, and the canyon can have some quicksand after a good rain; otherwise, it is easy to reach and a fantastic site.