
Panamint City Pictographs

Panamint City is mainly known for its mining boom, but it also has some lesser-known native American sites, and what awesome sites they are! It is a bit of a trek to get up there these days, and probably best done as an overnight backpack. The trip is well worth it, however.

There are multiple shelters nearby, and some are well hidden, so I’m sure we didn’t see all of them. These pictographs are the largest known Coso-style paintings.

Note the use of a bow and arrow and a horseback rider in a few of the pictographs. This, and other research by my friends Geron Marcom, Dr. Alan Garfinkel Gold, and others leave no doubt that the pictographs were made after encountering white settlers (the miners in this case) and possibly after the boom town had faded away.

Panamint City sunset

No directions to this site, but it is near Panamint City. If you make the long hike up there to visit any of these sites, please respect them and take only photographs.