
Striped Butte Fallout Shelter

Was this old mining adit made into a fallout shelter? Maybe it is one of Charles Manson’s secret hideouts? Perhaps a local resident and miner set it up as an apocalypse bug-out shelter? Maybe one of many in the area? Perhaps I know more but can't say? Someone stockpiled supplies out here near Barker Ranch in Striped Butte Valley area of Death Valley National Park during the 1960s.

When I heard about it, I called Dan, and in 2010, we set out to find it. The hike wasn’t too bad, and we passed by an old mining camp along the way. We almost walked right by the shelter; it is so well hidden! After a couple of minutes of removing rocks from the entrance, we went in.

I'm not revealing the location of this site, but there are clues, and some readers have found it. Please enjoy my photos below, and be sure to check out Boxcar’s photos of this location too.