
Lucky Turkey Arrastra and Blind Mule Placer Cabin

These mines out in the backcountry of Joshua Tree are a bit of a mystery as very little is known about them. The hike visits a roofless stone cabin first, then heads over to the Lucky Turkey Mine and arrastra, and finally out to a cabin at the Blind Mule Claim.

The little bits of information I could dig up are scant. For one, it seems the Lucky Turkey was also known as the Mystery (or Mirtry) Mine. An account mentions a mining claim notice found here as early as November 9th, 1899, signed by W. E. Lee. It is certainly possible the site is that old.

I found another reference that states L L Benthell of Indio worked the mine between 1933 and 1936. He produced 32 ounces of placer gold from the alluvial.

Whatever prospectors tried to make a living out in these parched hills remains a mystery.

Roofless stone cabin
