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Inyo Copper Mine
Perched above the Lippincott Road in Saline Valley, unknown to most travelers below, is the nearly forgotten Inyo Copper Mine.
Once owned by the Inyo Copper Mines and Smelter Company in the early 1900s, ore ranging from 4% to 41% copper was discovered here. The rich ore must have been

Sauerkraut Trail Petroglyphs
Early in 2021, we were on a trip into the wilds of Death Valley to hunt down some lesser-known petroglyph sites in the area. This site is a mile-long set of ancient petroglyphs along an old Native American trail. It is a fascinating site. We were really surprised at just

Lemoigne Mine
Jean François de Lamoignon (shortened to Jean or John Lemoigne) was a black-bearded Frenchman who differed from most of the other early Death Valley prospectors; he was a well-educated mining engineer. He came to Death Valley around 1879 to supervise the Eagle Borax Works. Unfortunately, by the time he had