Big Dick Mine (Elliston)
The unfortunately named Big Dick Mine is on an unnamed stream draining into the Blackfoot River above Elliston, Montana. This district was generally known as the Elliston Mining District, and saw most of its activity from around 1900-1930. The largest nearby mines were the Monarch, Julia, Charter Oak, Lily, and

Mayflower Mine (Telluride)
The Mayflower Mine was an unsuccessful gold producer high above Telluride. Not much is published on its history, but the site has some interesting remnants. The operation started around 1890, and was largely abandoned by 1920. Something to note about this mine is that the original claim was actually called

Barstow Mine (Red Mountain)
The Barstow Mine in southwest Colorado was an early polymetallic producer above the townsite of Guston.

Bill Young Mine
The Bill Young was a small silver mine above the townsite of Animas Forks. The mine never amounted to much, but it still has some interesting remnants.
The mine was located in 1873 and was developed by a 250’ deep shaft. Levels were driven at irregular intervals, with a total

Oro Cache Mine
The Oro Cache Mine was a small gold producer in the Beaverhead Mountains near Salmon. It is at the head of Freeman Creek, and was the largest mine in the tiny Carmen Creek Mining District.
The mine was supposedly discovered in 1897, and was developed rapidly. It operated intermittently until

Golden Age Mine
The Golden Age Mine has several names including Callahan, Deer Horn, and Pataloma. It was really a group of mines, located around 1910. In 1921 the mine was located as the Golden Age and went into production under the Callahan Gold Mining company (unrelated to the great Callahan Mining co